07 March 2012

Remove Skype haha foto virus / worm


Remember my post about Skype haha foto http://goo.gl/...?Facebook.com-IMG....JPG

After several days, I have found on the internet how to remove this worm.  Read below:

Try locate in processlist file called mdm.exe, and kill the process, Then download any startup program management utilities - for example Nirsoft Startup.cpl and look for "Windows Firevall engine" that references the "c:/windows/mdm.exe". Delete or disable those in startup and delete the file itself under c:/windows/mdm.exe

YouTube Service sent you a message: Your video has been approved


Here is an interesting email that is being sent to many people.

From: YouTube Service
To: someEmail@someDomain.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 7, 2012 11:56 AM
Subject: YouTube Service sent you a message: Your video has been approved

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